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- Publicatie 8 Januari 2022
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has created significant technological growth for manufacturing organizations worldwide, attracting important attention from the research community. Industrial automation and the introduction of smart digital technologies to traditional manufacturing processes has led to a generation of intelligent production methods to engineer smart products.
In the last few decades, the term ‘maintenance’ has evolved with researchers offering various perspectives. The aim of this article is to identify the issues related to industrial maintenance, uncovering its historical evolution, and providing a perspective for new types of industrial maintenance linked to Industry 4.0
Author: Aymane Sahli, Richard Evans and Arthi Manohar Source: Science Direct
Maintenance Types
The historic approach of letting machines or equipment function until they deteriorate is linked to the 1940s and 1950s. Maintenance services were employed for basic tasks, such as lubrication, cleaning, and restoring broken parts. Thus, responsive maintenance only occurs when machines break down i.e., the machines operate and when an error occurs, it instructs the maintenance department to fix it. As a means for extending the duration of equipment, various maintenance processes have been established. Studies have shown how machines and equipment are preserved, with responsive maintenance being the most widely used (56%), followed by precautionary maintenance (33%), and prognostic maintenance (10%).
More than 56% of resources and maintenance tasks of a standard manufacturing facility are responsive. The advantages of responsive maintenance are two-fold. First, in the case that a machine or equipment is brand new, we can anticipate slight errors or failures. In cases where the maintenance schedule is solely responsive, we will not misuse labor or sustain budget charges until an error occurs. Given that expense related to maintenance are zero, this time span is considered a money saver. However, this is not always the case. During periods when organizations are retaining capital and maintenance expenses, they occur much more costs than when employing dissimilar methods to maintenance. Capital outflows are greater given that we anticipate the equipment or machine will give out, consequently curbing its period of functionality, which incurs greater rates of substitution. Further costs linked with the breakdown will surface, resulting in the minor device breaking.
These escalated expenses do not arise in the context of active maintenance. The expenses linked with restoration are likely to be greater than usual, given that breakdown will necessitate more large-scale maintenance than if a part of the equipment was not operational until complete malfunction. In the case that the equipment or machine is crucial and needs to be utilized on an ongoing basis, further expenses will be sustained. Given that equipment malfunction is anticipated, there is need for easier supply of spare parts.
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance can be defined as estimations that identify potential machine breakdown, allowing for the setback source to be eliminated or maintained, prior to each substantialdepreciation of the machine state. Predictive maintenance is quite different from preventive maintenance as it detects requirements on the present status of the machine, compared to a pre-defined timetable. A well structured preventive maintenance program eliminates everything but fatal errors.
It can be pre-arranged to decrease or exclude the volume of overtime work. It is also probable to decrease inventory and request the essential components. Manufacturers can, therefore, enhance machine operations, save expenses in terms of energy, and surge machinery dependability.
A correctly operating predictive maintenance program can lead to 8 to 12% in cost savings. Based on the tools and measurable circumstances, it is achievable to retain 30% to 40% of savings.
Click to enlarge: Asset & Maintenanec Management-A time perspective by Jan Stoker
Prescriptive maintenance
Prescriptive maintenance has grown in popularity in recent years. It spreads the concept of failure prediction through predicting maintenance methods and recommending a series of actions grounded in historical and incoming real-time information. Prescriptive maintenance strategies are upgraded based on the predicted or observed degradation system and parameters while, in standard time-based maintenance, assessments are purely based on historical information without considering updates. Various sectors have embedded and experienced the accuracy of predictive maintenance. Prescriptive maintenance recommendations allow for the power of machine learning to be applied in a more holistic way in an organization or enterprise’s physical operations.
Where predictive maintenance allows for delivering data regarding binary decisions, like an option to defer or perform asset maintenance it suggests a series of options and results from which to choose from. For instance, a production full stop may be circumvented by running a compressor at an inferior pressure or a plant maintains the speed of a machine below a specific threshold, thus delaying the planned downtime for the purpose of overlapping with the delivery of new equipment.
Prescriptive maintenance can recognize the requirements of capital expenditure months prior to them being evident to human operators. For instance, prescriptive maintenance tools can be utilized as a digital assessment method in which the outcomes of adding equipment can be digitally generated prior to making an acquisition, which allows for organizations to schedule acquisitions more economically.
The recently published standard EN 17485 introduces methods and procedures about maintenance within physical asset management for all the levels and functions of the organizations’ management, including corporate planning management, plant management, technical management, production management, financial management, asset management, maintenance management, and quality management. Further and maybe even greater benefits are now being found through improved credibility in the eyes of customers, regulators and other stakeholders.
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Physical asset management also results in much greater engagement and motivation of the workforce, and in more sustainable, continual improvement business processes. Physical asset management builds up the required link between maintenance management and the organizational strategic plan and gives direction to maintenance activities.The standards EN 16646 and EN 17485 build the bridge between ISO 5500x (Asset management system standards) and the EN maintenance standards. ISO 55001 states that organizations should determine e.g. the organizational context, requirements for the assets, decision criteria, strategic asset management plan and asset management plan (including maintenance).
However, it does not describe how to do it. Respectively, maintenance standards often introduce e.g. the concept of the required function or the concept of maintenance strategy, but do not explain how they have been determined. EN 17485 introduces a methodological framework which advises organizations to implement the requirements presented in ISO 55001. By doing this it creates the bridge between the several maintenance standards and ISO 5500x in order to give an applicable starting point to the more detailed documents for the specific sub-functions of maintenance (See AM-BowTie).
This insights, the Asset Management BowTie, can be added toward the Asset Management paradigm with the (Digital) Line of Sit. To add the BowTie principle, the body of thoughts of the EN-17485 can be incorporated in the Asset Management paradigm with the mentioned standards. Result is a deepened figure 1 of the ISO5500 completed with the Line(s) of Sights, the levels of information, Business, Risk Assessment and Asset & Maintenance going to decision making in balancing Costs, Risks and Performance.
Click to enlare Asset Management BowTie: See Body of thoughts AM-BowTie Click Here
Maintenance 4.0
In Industry 4.0 environments, there is a need for supplementary technical abilities from maintenance managers, as they must administer maintenance procedures to oversee the influence that maintenance has on other organizational divisions, business objectives, effectiveness, quality, and security. More assets are committed to the maintenance administration, and this ushers businesses to administer maintenance in a direct approach as well as remotely, as now there is an opportunity to obtain and manage information through software and, more specifically, with minimal expenses.
Two new patterns have been recorded, including the capability to evaluate the vast size of information that machines, and assets, generate during their operational lifespan, and the capability of conception of an added value that goes hand-in-hand with the requirements of the organization. Manufacturing procedures will multiply and become smarter in the ensuing years given the rise of new smart technologies. Through the shift to digital supply chains, the effectiveness will surge, and new business models will be conceived through wireless connectivity and sensors; the manufacture of products will thus be supplemented with distinctive facilities, such as maintenance, or converted into a complete assimilated service.
Maintenance will therefore become not just one internal undertaking, but rather a whole facility that can be sold to customers
Click to enlarge: Maintenance Strategies
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